Saturday, July 31, 2010

Best Bar Eva

So we have sent all the kiddies home from each and every trip so far without as much of a hiccup( ok well there was an incident in Japan that was almost malo but we made it out relatively unscathed). Now it is time for a couple of days of R n R before heading home. The first location of R n R 2010 is Barcelona where the rickster and I have encountered the best bar ever invented. It's called a park, which we have many of en Los Estados Unidos, but here they sell beer at them. Probably not officially, but there are plenty of young gents slanging estrella's for €1 and the service is excellent, and you don't even have to tip. Pretty sure as long as you be drankin they be selling so technically this place never closes, amazing. Well I'm off to find the barkeep. Ciao.


Our bartender.

Crazy Germans
Latro Amigos.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Keeping up with the sporting event theme, we took the young lads(that what everyone calls us here) to an Irish classic, hurling. We had a rough go trying to get into the game as the tickets are sold by the government and apparently there are only like three places that actually slang them officially, and one cornerstore that said they could, yet somehow realized they actually didn't have tickets after we gave them nearly €400 for tix. We got our money back and even had a young Dublin girl ask each of our 23 guy exactly where they were from, priceless. After that debacle a few of the lads felt they had enough and rolled out. Yet a couple of them remained and we luckily scrounged up some tix and made our way into Croke Park for some old fashioned fun. The game was Tip vs Galway, and was a heated match that went down to the last few minutes for Tip to emerge the victors. We were able to ask a couple of locals about the rules and figured out how the game goes. Essentially it's like this: you have a bat and ball and then hit the ball all over the place trying to score 1 point for hitting the ball through the football style uprights, or three points to get the ball into the goal on their respective ends. Oh yes and they beat the shit out of each other everywhere in-between. So much so, that a bunch of current and almost college laxers declared that it was the most gnarly sporting activity they had seen in quite some time, while wearing short shorts, Katy Perry style. Even saw a dude throw a rusty-gate with authority and not get a penalty. A gentleman's sport indeed.

30, 000 of our closet Irish fans.

Short Shorts!

Game on.

The agony of getting whupped by Tip.

Latro Amigos.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Boat Race

In the aftermath of the world games in Manchester, a few if the teams decided that their work wasn't finished. Ze Germans and Welsh squads came settle age old scores on a unique and zany way, boatrace style, but there were a few other interlopers who wanted to show their stuff. In the morning before the US-Canada championship game, these lads got after it in fine fashion. They started with a food based boatrace including hot sauce, raw eggs, something mayonnaisey, and some other concoction that I couldn't quite figure out. The stuff was so yummy that I'm pretty sure one of the contestants liked it so much he did it twice(actually he threw it up in his cup and then drank that, crazy germans). After that the beerfest style traditional boatrace took place, with chants singing and spilling. It was the real deal with a referee to keep everyone from cheating. In the end it was ze germans who emerged victorious and lubed up to watch the US retake the world lax title in what was a pretty amazing game.

Latro Amigos.

Man U

Today was our first day off from lax in Manchester, so we decided to take the lads to visit Old Trafford Stadium and the home of Manchester United. Besides the fact that I got iced while grubbing some hot wings getting ready for our tour, it was a quite successful trip. During the tour you get into all the good spots in the stadium including players lounge, locker room, players bench and field. They even line up the tour group in the tunnel with the PA system on to walk out onto the pitch. I felt like a young Wayne Rooney, or that dreamboat Christiano Ronaldo. After the tour you end up in the Man U shop, where you can buy all sorts of goodies, so if you were expecting a gift from me I just hope your not a Chelsea fan.

Latro Amigos.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Land Crushin

In between all the laxin in the land down under, I have also designated myself to the official Land Cruiser challenge of finding the most bodacious Mad MAx style vehicle in all of Australia. From Western Australia to New South Wales there have been some gems. Unfortunately I was unable to snap a pick of the zebra striped bad boy I saw cruising on the way to the animal farm, which was by far the awesomest. The creativity of these was also sweet as many of the had modifications for combating wild Roos and drogos out in the bush. No stateside posh family cruisers here, only the real deal. Also try and spot the Mitsubishi imposter trying to bite Toyotas mad style.

Latro Amigos.


So at the end of our laxin in Australia we hit up a footy game in Sydney and supported my new favorite team the Swans. It was no Denver Broncos game, but a real hoot none the less. I bet if Timothy Ryan Tebow played down under he would do quite well, because he is a winner. During the match we figured out how to root our squad on properly, by hurling insults at the North Melbourne Boguns( auzzy slang for redneck). Our efforts were rewarded with a mighty swan victory and oddly enough I even knew the words to the victory song as it was exactly the same as the Notre Dame fight song, with a few changes. Here are a few pics of our wondrous adventure.

Latro Amigos.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

How Cute

While we are laxin it up in Perth we decided to take the gang out to see some of Australia's wildest critters. Some of these guys were so cuddly and cute that you wouldn't even want to eat them, even though kangaroo has been spotted on the menu I few times so far even in hotdawg form. Have yet to see a koala burger, but I imagine that they exist somewhere. Maybe I should check with Tina Turner and MasterBlaster? Until I get my grubby paws on some roo, I will also keep chronicling my next blog post, the pursuit if the raddest MadMax style Landcruiser down unda.